Frequently Asked Questions
I’m interested in becoming a member, what's the process?
The best place to start is from our “Getting Started” page.
When is the track open for practise?
The track is open for practise for members as long as other events are not scheduled, the schedule can be found here.
Do you hire karts?
No, we are not a hire kart facility.
I’ve entered a race but can’t attend, how do I withdraw my entry and get a refund?
You should email the race secretary -
Where can I find the supplementary regulations for a race meeting?
Supplementary regulations can be found both on KOMP and/or the Karting SA website.
Who can help?
If its related to refunds:
If its related to racing regulations, race format, or race entry/withdrawal:
(Please note the week before a race meet is a very busy time for all club volunteers, leaving your questions about your race entry, pit allocation, race regulations etc. to the last minute will likely mean your enquiry is not responded to in time.)
If its related to your active club membership:
Any other enquiries:
Please remember all of the above people are club volunteers and just like you have day jobs and families, they may not be able to get back to you as quickly as you hope. Last minute enquiries (e.g. the week before a race meeting) will typically not be answered in time as club volunteers are very busy during this period.