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Code of Conduct



Southern Go Kart Club seeks to provide a safe, fair, and inclusive environment for everyone involved in our Club and in our sport. We always endeavour to carry on the business of providing fair, safe, and socially responsible motor sport, an activity which is, therefore, vulnerable if its media, public or professional image is tarnished in any way. 

We require certain standards of behaviour by all Members, spectators, and all other persons: 

• When taking part in any SGKC sanctioned and/or related activity in any capacity whatsoever. 

• When attending the circuit or using track facilities 


Our Codes of Conduct is underpinned by the following core values: 

• To act professionally and always represent SGKC and our sport in a professional manner. 

• To act within the Rules and spirit of our sport. 

• To display respect and courtesy towards everyone involved in our sport. 

• To prevent discrimination and harassment. 

• To prioritise the safety and well-being and health of all people who participate in and who are involved in our sport. 

• To encourage and support opportunities for participation in all aspects of our sport. 

This Code of Conduct, as amended from time to time, binds all Members, spectators, and visitors to our Track. 


All Members are bound by our Code of Conduct and are encouraged and expected to: 

a. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others; 

b. Conduct themselves in line with SGKC’s values; 

c. Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others; 

d. Be professional in, and accept responsibility for, their actions; 

e. Make a commitment to provide quality service; 

f. Maintain a duty of care (and follow any safety guidelines) to others involved in maintenance, practice or racing activities; 

g. Be aware of, and maintain an uncompromising adhesion to SGKC’s standards, rules, regulations and policies including this policy and the Child Safeguarding Policy; 

h. Establish and maintain an environment that is safe for the conduct of activities for Children; 

i. Operate within the rules of the sport, 

j. Show concern for the health, safety and welfare of members and participants; 

k. Give all people equal opportunity to participate; 

l. Be a positive role model, demonstrating a high degree of individual responsibility (especially when dealing with children), understanding that their words and actions are an example; 

m. Represent the Club in a positive and inclusive manner; 

n. Understand the repercussions if they breach, or are aware of any breaches of, this code of conduct; 

o. Do not shame, humiliate, oppress, belittle, harass or degrade any person, especially children; 

p. Do not unlawfully discriminate against any person, especially children, because of culture, race, ethnicity or disability; 

q. Do not engage in any activity with a Participant that is likely to cause harm; 

r. Do not do anything that brings SGKC into disrepute or engage in conduct that is unbecoming; 

s. Do not use your involvement with Karting to promote your own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are inconsistent with those of SGKC; 

t. Do not supply alcohol or drugs (including tobacco) to Children participating in Karting activities;


All License holders are encouraged and expected to: 

a. not initiate or tolerate acts of aggression, or engage in any violence on or off the track; 

b. respect the talent, potential and development of fellow licenced participants; 

c. care for and respect the equipment used or provided to them as part of their program/activity; 

d. control their emotions, and not engage in verbal abuse of or swearing at or in the vicinity of 

others, sledging participants or behaviour that deliberately distracts or provokes a participant 

or official; 

e. maintain high personal behaviour standards towards participants, volunteers, and officials at 

all times; 

f. never argue with or dispute a decision of an Official. If a participant disagrees with a decision, 

they should deal with their dispute in accordance with the relevant rules; 

g. be honest in their attitude and preparation to practice; 

h. cooperate with coaches, support personnel and other individuals who may assist you in your 

Karting development; 

i. not engage in conduct that is, unethical, unbecoming, or likely to cause harm to the reputation 

of the Participant or the Affiliated Club; 

j. not take part in any form of bullying including via the use of social media; 

k. Not make or post inappropriate, offensive, or discriminatory comments in public; and 

l. Use appropriately the facilities and equipment made available for Karting activities;


All administrators and volunteers must meet the following requirements: 

a. adopt a collaborative and consultative approach to planning, leadership, management, administration and decision making; 

b. create accessible pathways for people to participate in Karting, not just as an Participant but as an Official, administrator or any other role; 

c. ensure that rules, equipment, length of activities and practice schedules are in accordance with the NCR as well as suited to the age, ability and maturity level of participants; 

d. ensure an environment that provides quality supervision and instruction for Child Participant’s; 

e. remember individuals participate for their enjoyment and benefit, so maintain a balanced approach with awards and competition results with acknowledgement of social Karting 


f. assist officials, coaches and participants in highlighting appropriate behaviour and skill development to help improve the standards of officiating and coaching; 

g. ensure all involved in Karting emphasise fair play, not winning at all costs and sportsmanship to the highest degree; 

h. support implementation of all policies and procedures of SGKC, Member State and the Affiliated Club; and 

i. make it clear any breach of this policy including abuse, bullying or harassment is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action.


All Parents, Guardians and Participant Licence Holders must meet the following requirements in regard to their conduct during any activity or event: 

a. remember that their Child participates in karting for their own enjoyment, not theirs; 

b. focus on their Child’s efforts, participation and enjoyment rather than winning or losing; 

c. never ridicule or yell at their Child or any other Children for making a mistake or losing a race or event; 

d. show appreciation for good performance by all participants; 

e. recognise volunteers, officials, coaches and administrators who give up their valuable time; 

f. respect Officials’ decisions and teach Children to do likewise; 

g. not engage or condone any physical and/or verbal intimidation or abuse towards a participant, official or volunteer; 

h. not enter the restricted areas of the track, unless authorised by an official; 

i. respect SGKC administrators and abide by their decisions; 

j. allow fellow parents the respect they deserve in their viewing of or involvement in their Child’s participation; 

k. respect the facilities and equipment of their own and other clubs; 

l. not take part in any form of bullying, make or post inappropriate, offensive, or discriminatory comments in public or on social media. 


All spectators must meet the following requirements in regard to their conduct during any activity held or sanctioned by SGKC: 

a. Focus on the Participants’ efforts and performance rather than winning or losing; 

b. Never ridicule or yell at Participants for making a mistake or not winning a race and/or competition; 

c. Show appreciation for good performance by all participants (including opposing Participants); 

d. Respect Officials decisions and teach others to do likewise; 

e. Show appreciation and respect for volunteers, officials, coaches and administrators; 

f. Review the KA Accredited Photographers and Media Policy, prior to an event, before taking 

photos or videos of participants; and 

g. Allow fellow spectators the respect they deserve in their viewing of the class/event.

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